Akiko Tsuruga Trio @Aaron Davis Hall

In celebration of Women’s History Month, City College Center for the Arts will offer 50% off regular price tickets to see Akiko Tsuruga Trio on Friday, March 24. Mention the word “WOMAN” and you will receive your discount. You can use this code on-line at www.citycollegecenterforthearts.org or at the box office. For more information please call (212) 650-6900.
今週の金曜日、ニューヨーク市立大学内のアーロン・デイビス・ホールで演奏します。メンバーはCharlie Sigler-guitar, McClenty Hunte-drums.
Women’s History Month特別ディスカウントが!
www.citycollegecenterforthearts.org でWOMANと入れていただいたらなんと!チケットが50%引きになります。